Questions concerning technology, energy and engineering

Welcome to the Technical Sceptical Blog. I am using this to record my experiences and thoughts on issues that I face in my career as an energy consultant and engineer. I hope to be able to help people understand the underlying issues behind engineering technology and clear away any myths or fog. Please enjoy.

Thursday 24 June 2021

The Carbon Impact of Video Streaming

The situation we are in right now is where many of us almost certainly spend a lot more of our work time on online meetings (such as Zoom and Teams) and a lot more of our leisure time watching streaming TV. In fact, my main pastime, martial arts, has been mostly converted into 6 hours a week of Zoom sessions. Given this, I found this interesting new report on the carbon impact of video streaming. The news is better than you might think.

Compared to other activities that we are being prevented from doing during lockdown (driving, flying, etc), video streaming has a significantly lower carbon impact.

The overview from the UK Carbon Trust's white paper on this summarises:

Key findings include:

  • At an individual level, the carbon footprint of viewing one hour of video-on-demand streaming (approximately 55gCO2e in Europe) is very small compared to other everyday activities.
  • The viewing device is typically responsible for the largest part of the overall carbon footprint.
  • Changes in video quality, such as moving from high-definition to standard-definition, affect the bitrate required to transmit video data, but were found to have only a very small impact on carbon emissions. 
  • Improvements in technology mean that network equipment required to deliver the internet is continually becoming more energy efficient and, coupled with increased procurement of renewable electricity, the carbon intensity of ICT services over time are expected to drive down.

If you are interested in reading more then please follow this link:

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Toilets, lavatories, water closets and bogs Part 1

Now that I might have enticed a few of you into reading this blog it's time to turn to the dark side of Technical Sceptical and that side is....the crapper!

Yes, you read right, it's the low down on the smallest room and why we are so particularly bad at the design, management, cleaning and use of toilets. Sometimes I will be referring to toilets in other countries but the majority of my wrath will be aimed at the good old fashioned British bog.

This particular article will likely never reach a conclusion which is why this is only Part 1 of bog knows how many parts. 

Why is this such a thing with me? Well, to be honest, it's to do with the notion that 

the civilization (or let's call it the level of its development) of a nation is proportional to the occupying peoples' ability to separate themselves from their own human waste

That doesn't sound unreasonable does it? It seems to represent itself quite well nowadays. Those countries which suffer levels of low development and poverty seem to be the ones doomed to suffer from cholera and other diseases often caused by the fact that they have no public health systems in place (by that I mean sewage facilities). The more "developed" countries always have a range of toilets, sewers and processing plants to deal with their effluent.

So what's up? Why the blog? 

My contention is that while we pride ourselves with this kind of facility (and bloody important it is as well) we seem to frequently, and I mean nearly always, fall short of actually putting it to proper use and making sure that we are separated from our human waste as quickly and cleanly as possible. This might seem a bit prissy and precious and I can only ask you to believe that I have worked, elbow deep, on chemical toilets and domestic toilets so I am not in any way squeamish. I just can't stand the fact that we are crap at maintaining these assets in the fashion that we deserve. I think, and I hope, that my argument on this will become clearer as the blog develops but in the meantime let's look at our first case study, Robert Lowe Sports Centre, St Georges Hospital, Tooting, London...

Here we have an example of STupid Utilization Failure (Fuckwit!) or STUFF.

The toilets at this sports centre are actually quite well built and designed. I imagine that in the morning they are cleaned quite well as the rest of the changing areas is spick and span. Every single time that I go there though (which is quite a few Saturdays in the last year) there is always some idiot who decides to shred and drop toilet paper all around the back of a toilet cubicle (there are only two cubicles). Why he does this is completely mysterious. As you can see from the photo the toilet bowl width is greater than the gaps at the side and is brightly coloured white. My only conclusion is that the person that does this should be put on a large pyre of toilet paper and burned alive because clearly too stupid and too selfish to exist among other members of the human race. 

Yes I am angry. Not because this incident has happened but that it happens, as far as I can discern, EVERY SATURDAY, and possibly as I am not there during the week to monitor, every day. The photo above was taken last Saturday and is actually quite moderate compared to what I have seen there before. If anyone can explain why this person does this then I would be delighted to know. If anyone knows who this person is please feel free to post their name all over Facebook.

Anyway, I promise to skip this topic for a few posts but be warned, it will be back!

Thursday 26 April 2012

A Primer for Energy (and why you should change your lights)

Right, on with the blog. I am going to assume the lowest common denominator for those that read this blog and that assumption is that:

a) everyone has a reasonable grasp of GCSE or equivalent maths (A's not needed, just provided you can do basic calculations)
b) no one has a clue about physical science or engineering

I hope you find this interesting whether you fit into the above categories or not.

Ok, where to begin?

Ah yes - what is energy? It's probably good to start with the basics and work upwards...

If one were to go searching for what the definition of it on the internet then it would take a long time to reach a conclusion and the final result would probably be wrong in as much as it would be mixed up with a hundred other concepts and quantities. Energy has such a broad meaning these days that it is quite often thrown in to various casual conversations when it's referal is only metaphorical.

Let's get down to business then - energy is, for our sake of understanding, something which has the potential to do some work in a physical sense. This means it has a reaction and a potential to change things as we see them in the everyday universe. It can come in various forms: chemical, electrical, thermal, potential, kinetic etc. I think for the purposes of this article we will keep it simple. Let's imagine that any quantity of energy can be equated to a match...

A match has a certain amount of chemical energy locked up inside it. When it is ignited (and let's ignore the energy required to do that for the time being) then the chemical energy is converted into heat, light and sound. That is another factor that we should consider - energy cannot be created or destroyed it can only be converted from one form to another.

Anyway, back to the match, when we think about energy we should think about matches because energy is a term used for a quantity of this stuff. Any quantity of energy is unchanged unless we convert it into something else, we add to it or we take something away from it. We can think about the amount of energy locked up in a match or we can think of a larger amount of energy in terms of how many matches it is equivalent to. Energy is not and should not be referred to as a rate, as a force or anything like that - it is a quantity of the potential to do something.

Now of course we don't usually measure energy in terms of numbers of matches of equivalent energy. The normal unit we use for energy (in the ISO system at least) is the Joule. Please think of Joules as being a measure of a quantity, similar to an amount of money in your bank or a number of acorns in your hand (that one was for Lukasz Machura). One can find how much energy, in Joules, is in one match and in fact I just looked it up and it was about 2000 Joules. That means when a match is lit, if you were able to capture all the heat, light and sound that it released it would come to about 2000 Joules.

Writing Joules down every time is a bit tiring so instead of Joules we can merely write "J" as the unit. Therefore:

Energy is a quantity and is measured in Joules (J)

All right so far I hope.

Ok if all that's clear maybe we can move away from matches in order to think about different measurements of energy flow and quantity.  I try to use everyday household objects when I try to explain difficult physics concepts to my tutored students. In the next case I would like you to imagine your bath and the taps. If we can stick with this then you can understand almost all there is to know about thermal and electrical energy.

I want us to think about energy as being a quantity of water. Maybe one Joule is, say, one litre of water. If that doesn't help then think of the water as being petrol instead and the concept might stick a bit easier. Anyway, I hope the majority of you non-arsonists will stay with the water image.

Your bath will contain a certain amount of water (or energy) when you turn the taps on. You can turn the taps on quickly and fill the bath quickly or slowly to fill the bath over a longer duration. In any case, once the bath is full it is full. The quantity of water in there will be the same whether you filled it quickly or slowly. 

Now back to the taps. You are sitting there with a one-litre jug (representing one Joule of energy). You run the taps and it fills up the jug. If you have big taps in a house with a high water pressure then you might be able to fill up the jug in just one second. This would mean your taps are delivering water at one jug per second. Let's flip this over for a moment and think back to energy.

If a jug full of water represents one Joule of energy and it takes one second to fill the jug, this means that the taps are delivering one Joule per second. That makes sense doesn't it? One jug per second = one Joule per second. We are now defining a rate of energy transferred or in the example the rate of water transferred from the taps to the jug. One Joule per second is a measurement of Power and is measured in a term I think will be familiar to you all, the Watt.

Let's just clarify everything then:

Power is the rate of energy transferred. This rate is Joules per second or Watts.

1 Joule per second = 1 Watt

Again, writing Watts each time is tiring so we just write the capital letter "W" meaning Watts. Why do scientists and engineers abbreviate everything? Is it just to confuse the public? No, it's to save valuable ink, paper and time especially if you have to write words like "Capacitive Reactance" when just writing "Xc" will do.

So if we're happy to continue and just get back to some simple equations (yuck!):

Power (P) = Energy (E) rate of transfer = Joules (J) per second (s) = J/s =  Watts = W

Don't worry about it all too much, just stick with the taps, the jug, the bath and the water. If you turn the taps on full then you might get one jug per second (or one Joule per second = 1 watt). If the taps are only turned on slightly then you might one jug per 10 seconds (which would be 0.1 jug or 0.1 Joule per second = 0.1 watts). Remember that the amount that you turn the taps on determines the rate of flow or Power measured in watts.  The amount of water that collects in the bath is the quantity of energy or Joules.
Now before anyone makes you believe anything else, when you pay your electricity bills, the consumption part of your bill is a measurement of energy (that's the stuff in Joules) that you have actually used or imported into your house. You pay for the number of Joules that you used for any given period (assuming that someone comes and reads the meter rather than just assuming that you leave the lights on all day). It's a bit like someone coming along and seeing how much water you have run into your bath tub. The amount of water in there is checked and measured and you pay for the amount. How the bath got so full of water is determined by of course two things:

1. How much you turned the taps on (power).
2. How long you left the taps on (time).

Energy = Power x Time

Now we could of course carry on using Joules but unfortunately it is quite a small unit of energy. Remember the match? That in itself contains an incredible 2000 Joules of energy - just in one match!
What about that old light bulb that you keep on under the stairs? Think how much heat comes off that and how many matches that would equate to in 3 months and how many Joules that would be. Well if it was a 60 watt lamp and it was left on for three full months it would be:

60 watts x 3,600 seconds in an hour x 24 hours x 90 days = 466,560,000 Joules!

That's quite a lot of figures to write on your electricity bill for just one light bulb. So instead of using Joules we use a much larger (and more familiar) unit, the Kilowatt Hour.

Let's just unpack that term a little bit. A Kilowatt is one thousand watts (or one thousand Joules per second - that's a big tap!). Remember that this is a unit of power or rate of energy use. If we left the one kilowatt tap on for one hour then that would be one kilowatt hour. Breaking this down further:

1000 Joules per second x 60 seconds in a minute x 60 minutes in an hour = 3,600,000 Joules

OR one kilowatt hour.

See how easy it is. The term kilowatt hour is a bit long as well so it is often abbreviated to kWh.

1 kilowatt hour = 1 kWh = 1000 watts on for one hour = 1000 Joules per second for 3,600 seconds = 3,600,000 Joules

All of your electricity bills will probably be based on the number of kWh you used in any given period. As kWh are a quantity of energy, like matches or apples, you pay a certain amount of money per kWh used. At the current date this ranges from about 10 to 20 pence per kWh of electricity. 

Electrical appliances are rated in watts or kilowatts. The amount means "if you switch me on then this is the rate of energy I will use but you can decide how long you use me for". Let's look at an example to finally put all this terminology to bed (don't be scared of the maths, it's only multiplication).

If I use my 1200 watt hairdryer for 15 minutes every day, what will be my annual electricity bill be for the hairdryer alone assuming that my electricity supply company charges me 20p per kWh

>  Daily energy used = 1200 watts x 15 minutes (or 0.25 of an hour)
                               = 1.2 kilowatts (kW) x 0.25 hours = 0.4 kilowatt hours (kWh)
> Annual energy used = 0.4 kWh x 365 days per year
                                = 146 kWh per year
> Annual energy cost = 146 kWh x 20p
                                = £29.20 per year

There, that wasn't so bad was it. If you've got this far then you probably understand energy better than 75% of the people around you. That's the Primer for Energy finished for now, let's look at why you should change your lights...

There are many lighting technologies available these days, most people have a mix of
  • incandescent GLS (general lighting service) lamps (the old traditional light bulbs)
  • tungsten halogen spot lighting (popular in kitchens and bathrooms)
  • compact fluorescent (or energy-saving light bulbs as they are known)
  • LED (or light emitting diode)
 I want for this article to focus on two of the lights above: incandescent vs compact fluorescent. That is old style lightbulb versus energy saving lightbulb.

Most people tend to wait until their old light bulbs go pop before changing over to energy saving lightbulbts as it seems to be the most cost-effective thing to do. It might seem amazing at first that this isn't actually the most cost-effective way to do things until you consider another analogy: if you wanted to drive a more fuel-efficient car would you wait for your 3 litre Volvo to explode before you bought a Prius? This is essentially what people are doing while they wait for their old lightbulbs to blow - and I will prove it here in a way that you will be able to prove it too; not by being super clever but just using some simple maths and....shock, horror - STATISTICS!

Don't run away, this is going to be easy-peasy stuff. Let's start off by looking at each lamp in turn and what their vital statistics are:

Incandescent Lightbulb

Power rating = 60 watts
Average life = 1000 hours
Unit cost = 50 pence (about 60 Eurocents)
Light output = about the same as the lamp below
Energy utilisation = they convert about 95% of the energy they use into heat and only 5% as light

Compact Fluorescent Lamp

Power rating = 11 watts
Average life = 6000 hours
Unit cost = £3 (about 4 Euros)
Light output = about the same as the lamp above
Energy utilisation = they convert about 90% of the energy they use into light and only 10% as heat

I'm not going to argue here about light quality or rendering, we can save that for another day.

Now let's think about your house full of these old incandescent lightbulbs. Over the last few years you have changed them when they have popped so that now all their lives are mixed up, some might pop tomorrow, some still have a few more months in them. We can assume that their remaining lives are randomly distributed between 0 hours and 1000 hours. 

Now let's do a bite-sized bit of simple statistics. If you threw a six-sided dice and kept a record of your scores you would find that the average score would tend towards 3.5 - why is this? It is because you are scoring with equal frequency between 1 and 6. That is you are scoring roughly the same number of ones as two and threes etc. If you threw 600 times you would expect to score around 100 ones, 100 twos, 100 threes etc. Therefore your total score would be:

100 x 1 = 100
100 x 2 = 200
100 x 3 = 300
100 x 4 = 400
100 x 5 = 500
100 x 6 = 600
Total      2,100

So if you threw 600 times then your average score would be 2,100 divided by 600 which is 3.5. It is the number exactly halfway between 1 (the lowest number on the dice) and 6 (the highest number).

Let's now return to the world of lightbulbs. If the individual lives of all the lightbulbs in your house was randomly distributed between 0 and 1000 hours then the average life of your lightbulbs would be the point exactly halfway between 0 and 1000, namely 500 hours. We can then assume that on average any lightbulb in your house has a remaining life of 500 hours. I will also assume (probably accurately) that you don't remember which bulbs you changed most recently so you can't go and be selective with your lamp changing.

If every light bulb has an average of 500 hours left in it then how much electricity are you going to have to pay for until one lightbulb goes pop?

Well the calculation is quite easy and let's assume that your electricity unit rate is 20p per kWh (about 25 Eurocents):

Cost of remaining life  =  0.06 kilowatts x 500 hours x 20p
                                 = £6.00 (about 8 Euros)

Now let's see how much money you would spend in
a) paying for a new energy-saving lightbulb and
b) paying for the electricity use of that new lightbulb for the exact same amount of time (i.e. let's ignore the extended lamp life of these new types of light)

Ok, here goes...

a) A new compact fluorescent lamp may cost around £3, some are more expensive, some are cheaper but let's stick with £3 (about 4 Euros) for now.
b) The electricity cost for the same 500 hours is:
        =  .011 kilowatts x 500 hours x 20p
        =  £1.10

So the total cost would be £3 + £1.10 = £4.10! This is of course cheaper by about 30% than keeping your old lightbulb until it goes pop.

The warning sign with statistics is that they are best applied to large populations of data rather than one or two data points (or light bulbs) so we would be best to apply this to all the light bulbs in your house. Assuming that you have about 10 lights in your house:
  • Staying with your old lights until they all go pop will cost you about £60 in electricity.
  • Replacing your old lights with new ones right now will cost you about £41 total in both electricity and buying new lamps.
  • Therefore, spending some money today to replace your lights will save you a net £19 over the next 500 hours of using lights in your house.
This saving doesn't even take into consideration that energy saving lights will last you about six times as long as old fashioned light bulbs.

Now I expect that most people are not at the stage of being between replacing between old-fashioned lightbulbs and energy saving lamps but are more likely to be on the fence between changing from tungsten halogen spots to LED spotlights. If so then you are probably blown away by costs such as £12 for one LED spotlight! And you would be right to do so. When compact fluorescent lamps came out they were similarly very expensive and it has taken a few years and some forward-thinking companies like IKEA to drive the prices down. When I did a similar calculation between halogen and LED's I came up with a cost of £15 per light for the remaining life of a tungsten halogen compared to £16.80 to replace with an LED - it's pretty much well balanced at the moment and based on cost it might be wiser to wait for your halogens to fail before replacing. I have recently replaced a halogen downlighter with an LED spotlight and was impressed with the light intensity and the light quality though. Also they seem to last forever so maybe you'll take the plunge especially if you can buy LED lights for cheaper or your electricity unit rate is higher. That's all it comes down to! If you give a damn about climate change then you might go and change them after work tomorrow...

There, I hopefully just showed that being sceptical means being honest with data and not bending experiments and calculation to serve your argument.

I hope you have found this article technical, sceptical, interesting and useful but I guess I would be happy with just two of the above. Please comment if you would like to give me some feedback.

Thanks for reading, back soon with more.

What the hell do I know?


For my first post in this blog I thought I would start with a proper introduction to me and the blog. I am wary about trying to convince anyone who reads this that they should place any belief in it merely because of any qualifications or experience I have. Listening to people who work in a field and putting some stock in it is one thing, arguing from authority is something to be aware of. Just because someone says that they are "experts" in a field does not mean that they are right. Anyway I guess I just want people to see that I am writing this not purely from a layman's perspective...

So to begin with here is a little bit about my professional career and experience, I hope it doesn't read as dry as a CV....

I started an electrical engineering apprenticeship on leaving school at 16. This lasted for four years during which I studied on-the-job at Heathrow Airport while attending part-time college to obtain electrical maintenance and installation qualifications.

I continued working for Heathrow for three more years as a maintenance technician and a projects supervisor. During that time I also obtained a Higher National Certificate in Building Services.

I was then lucky enough to get seconded to Japan for 2 years working at Narita Airport on a personnel exchange programme. While I was there I studied maintenance strategies to understand how the Japanese industries balanced pre-emptive preventive maintenance against reactive repair maintenance. This also gave me time to study their environmental countermeasures and strategies.

On my return to Heathrow I spent about two years working for the Head of Engineering as part of my download in incorporating some of the stuff I had learned in Japan through as series of maintenance initiatives. These involved using statistics and logical steps to understand how to best maintain a system.

I was then assigned to work out "in the field" in one of the airport's terminals managing a team of engineering clerical officers as well as several maintenance contracts. During this time I was able to further incorporate some of the new maintenance routines into the engineering structure.

During a corporate restructuring I returned to a core engineering role in being the maintenance planner for life safety systems where again I could begin to influence maintenance routines.

In this previous four years I had been attending part time college to achieve an honors degree in Energy Engineering and it was during this time that I completed it.

On completion I sought my dream job which was the Energy Manager's role for Heathrow. I was assigned the post and then spent the next five years implementing energy saving initiatives at Heathrow and in the wider BAA group.The development of my role led me to provide the outline design for Heathrow's energy infrastructure strategy.

In 2005 after being nominated by a colleague I was awarded Energy Manager of the Year by the Energy Institute. I didn't get detailed feedback but I understand the majority of the scoring was due to an innovative behavioural change programme (with no globe hugging or colleagues in superhero costumes) as well as a well structured investment programme that would work well with other energy managers where funds were not so available. I continue to sit on the evaluation panel for Energy Manager of the Year.

On leaving BAA in 2006 I set up an environmental consultancy Sim Energy Ltd and have worked with various clients and service providers in delivering energy saving initiatives as well as reliability tactics.

Well, that's about it, 25 years of working in various engineering fields.

For the next article (which you will be glad will be a proper one) I will look at some basic engineering terminology and why you should change the lights in your house.

Thursday 19 April 2012


First blog, not much time to say anything yet but I already have a list of ideas on posting for the near future...

  • Toilets and why the UK is crap
  • Faking energy efficiency
  • How to really change your carbon footprint
  • Energy metering - why isn't it used more
  • The beauty of statistics
  • Simple energy saving measures at home
  • Growing stuff
Come back soon or please suscribe.